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Sumatra Mandheling: This Grade 1 Mandheling coffee comes from the Aceh region in Sumatra. Central Aceh is a renowned coffee-growing region. The lot was produced by small holders and the cherries were double picked, to remove any physical defects. The additional quality control practice ensures that only ripe red cherries are used.

The coffee history in Northern Sumatra is very long and deep-rooted in the communities. It started in 1908 with only 100 hectares planted by Dutch colonists. The Gayo highland now contributes to 40% of the total coffee production in Indonesia. Gayo Coffee seeds originally came from Java Preanger, a Dutch coffee plantation in West Java.

A popular saying about coffee comes from Teuku Umar. A rebel leader in the fight for independence against the Dutch colonials, and a local hero in Gayo - he famously said to his army the night before he died in battle: "Tomorrow morning, we will drink coffee at Meulaboh or I will die as noble."

Tasting Notes: Molasses, Dark Chocolate, Black Pepper

Roast: Dark Roast Only

Elevation: 1000 meters

Varietals: Catimor, Caturra, Typica

Process: Wet Hulled

SKU: SM-21

Brand: Poppets Coffee

Coffee Beans: 100% Arabica

Availability: In Stock

Weight: 12 oz